We amplify marginalized voices and create meaningful work for those experiencing poverty

We amplify marginalized voices and create meaningful work for those experiencing poverty


Work by The Shift Peer Newsroom

What Sets our Newsroom Apart

Rooted in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, we're committed to amplifying voices that are overlooked by mainstream media. We’re actively growing our team of storytellers and journalists to serve our community.

More about our Peer Newsroom

“Why "The Shift?" So the framework of Megaphone magazine can “shift” to being a more inclusive street paper, empowering those with lived and living experience to tell the stories that matter the most to them and their communities.”

Paula Carlson Editorial and Program Director
Print Copies on Sale Now

Living the dream down under

Living the dream down under

For the past 13 years, Stephen Scott has been selling Megaphone publications with one huge goal in mind: a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Australia. In January, he made it happen.

Available March 7 - April 4

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Your donation directly amplifies marginalized voices and creates meaningful work opportunities for our vendors and storytellers.

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